


November 2016

Can you solve “The Bridge Riddle?” [YouTube / TED-Ed Riddle]

3⅚ minutes long – pause at 2:00

I gave up because it looked impossible. It is possible though.

This riddle’s solution is similar to the following one, the River Crossing Riddle. In both cases you seem to have to take back some of the progress you have made to finish the crossing task.

4⅓ minutes long – pause at 0:58

Maxine, Not Voting, and the Electoral College


Whether you vote or not, the government is going to tax and harass you until death (and even then they tax your estate) — I say go ahead and complain about it, no matter if you voted or not or even voted for third party candidate.

If you say you don’t vote (for president), because your vote doesn’t count – you know what? – your vote does count in the state you live in. In California, which for now consistently votes for Democrats, if enough Democrats in California don’t vote then the state will swing back to Republican. California has voted Republican as recently as 1988, actually from 1968 to 1988. Arizona and Colorado used to vote solidly Republican, now Colorado votes Democrat and Arizona is very close to voting Democrat. Your single vote does count in those states.

The candidates and everyone involved in the campaigns know the rules for winning when running for President of the United States. -Steve

Do You Understand the Electoral College?

5 minutes long

What is the Electoral College?➚  (

Can you solve “Einstein’s Riddle?” [YouTube / TED-Ed Riddle]

5⅕ minutes long – pause at 1:37

Not too hard, but it will take a while to solve.

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