


October 2017

Why Hollywood and the Harvey Weinstein Accusations Matter

Harvey Weinstein Accusations Cause Chaos in Hollywood  ※  FoxNews  ※  ※  October 12, 2017

The following is a conversation between me and a friend on Facebook about the Weinstein news:

A friend posted, “Am I the only one that doesn’t care about this? Really, is this news? I couldn’t care less what Hollywood is doing!”

My reply: This is how the elite treats the nobodies. Elites in Hollywood, corporations, and the government are raping––in this case literally raping––people and getting away with it. Their higher-up buddies cover for them. Do you really want these kind of people running the country or representing our society. They do. P.S. Don’t forget about all of our “news” corporations that not only did not want to cover this story, but actively quashed it repeatedly when reporters started researching and writing the story.

Reply to my reply: I’m not ignoring anything, but I’m tired of hearing so much negative stuff. Everyone knows Hollywood is a swamp. Just about every child-star was sexually abused by people in the industry and no one wants to tell that story or protect the children still dealing with it. (another reply) How many of these actors and actresses whored themselves out for fame? … I didn’t say what he did was right, just that it’s not relevant news to me and a lot of other people as well.

My reply: Hint: Washington DC is also a swamp. Are people interested in cleaning it up or do they want to keep voting for people who promise them free goodies? In a sense, these voters are whoring themselves out too. If you choose to ignore that, then you are giving those politicians a pass just like many in Hollywood gave Harvey a pass. It is the same story: it is an open secret, and is barely covered too.

How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds ($🔒)

How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds $🔒 ◇ ~3,000 words ◇ Research suggests that as the brain grows dependent on phone technology, the intellect weakens.

Interesting points:

  • Students who took classes and never carried phones to their classes scored one full grade higher than students who did take their phones to class, even if it was off and put away in their backpack.
  • Similarly, people taking intelligence tests did better the farther away their phone was located.
  • People think they are smarter because they can quickly look things up on their phone, but they miss out on all the connections between known material the brain can store, link, and process.

Nicholas Carr  ※ The Wall Street Journal  ※  ※  October 6, 2017

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